If your children have recently (within the past seven days) suffered a catastrophic, unexpected event such as a house fire, parental law enforcement action or severe domestic situation resulting in the immediate need for footwear, then they may qualify for our emergent crisis assistance program. GTSF accepts crisis referrals for review from CASAs, law enforcement officers, school counselors, social workers, crisis management officers and other nonprofit administrators. If you are a Southern Nevada family, and have experienced one of the situations described above, then please have your social services point-of-contact or case worker contact our offices for a crisis referral form.
Goodie Two Shoes hosts two types of programming in Southern Nevada: large-scale school distributions for 300 to 500 children, and individual crisis referrals as a result of an unexpected, catastrophic event in a child’s life. GTSF rarely accepts referrals from individuals, and instead works directly with social services agencies, school counselors, principals and the CCSD partnership office to identify large groups of children and/or schools, which would benefit most from our large-scale, scheduled distribution programming.
We are painfully aware that the current economy is creating significant challenges for countless families in our community and around the country, and while we wish we could respond to each request for assistance, we simply don’t have the resources to do so.
If your children are in need of footwear due to continuing economic challenges, we suggest reaching out to your children’s school counselor or principal. They are your best resource for individual services. In addition, please consider calling 211 for additional resources, which may be available to you immediately.