Foundation Wish List
M2 Freightliner Hauler or Similar New Towing Vehicle
GTF Operating Endowment
A GTSF Operating Endowment would provide a perpetual stream of operating revenue to sustain our work and move us into long term sustainability.
Heart n’ Sole Event Auction Support
One-of-a-kind, EXCLUSIVE VIP experiences for our annual fundraising party live auction. Amazing goods, services, tickets, experiences, gift cards, products, memorabilia (essentially ANYTHING and EVERYTHING) for our annual fundraising party silent auction.
Sponsor a Shoe Distribution Events for 400/450 Students at a Local Title 1, Tier 1 School
GTSF is always seeking sponsors to lend support to our shoe distribution events, each of which provides 400 to 450 school-age children in need with new shoes and socks. All of our 25 annual distributions, allow children (some of whom have NEVER had a new pair of shoes) the opportunity to choose a brand-new pair of shoes of their choice with the help of a caring community volunteer. In addition, each child receives a six-pack of socks, and often more. Each distribution event brings together 50 corporate-affiliated and/or individual community volunteers to work one-on-one with the anticipating children and ensure each child receives the individual attention they deserve.
The cost associated with GTSF providing a child in need with new shoes, six pairs of socks and often more at their location is approximately $25: $2500 per 100 or $10,000 for each of our highly coordinated shoe distribution events outfitting 400 to 450 critical needs kiddos.
We work directly with manufacturers to secure high-quality, name brand sneakers at a negotiated rate of approximately $25. We both purchase product and receive product donations from several manufacturers, brands, and retailers. This allows us to outfit each child with new shoes and socks on-site at a blended rate of only $25 per participant. The value of the product a participating child takes home, however, typically ranges from $80 to $120 depending on the product they choose during the distribution process.
In addition to the shoes and socks, GTSF often adds ancillary items to our programming like toothbrush kits, backpacks, school supplies or books.
Celebrity Memorabilia or VIP Experiences
Do YOU know a celebrity? Think Hollywood, sports, television or music. We’re always on the lookout for celebrity memorabilia, collectable signed shoes and VIP celebrity experiences for auction. It’s a great way to give-back and get noticed for doing something good!